Memorial Day weekend was a blast. Friends came from Lewisville to go tubing on the Guadelupe. Aside from getting a little sunburned and breaking a toe, I rather enjoyed it. I finished off the weekend by driving my best man, Justin, back to Lewisville and visiting Sammi. It is a good thing the wedding is only three weeks away, because living 200 miles apart from the woman you love is not fun.
This morning was a bit more difficult. As I went to turn off my alarm, which is located in the bathroom, I noticed a pool of water on the floor. I looked but could not find a leak from the toilet or the sink. So, I checked in the laundry room, which shares one wall with the bathroom, and found a pool of water there as well. Then it hit me on the head, literally- water was dripping from the apartment upstairs. I mopped up the water and put the trash can beneath it. Then I called in an "after-hours" maintainance request. I didn't hear back from the manager's office, so I called them again once I got to work. I guess we will see if my furniture floats.