In the beginning


A few pictures from Corpus Christi

We went to the beach on Tuesday night. We started off on the bay-side with some net-throwing to catch some bait. Then we went to the coastal side for some surf-fishing. Drew and Anthony caught some catfish. Afterwards we went back on the bay-side and went crab hunting. Imagine wading through a swamp looking for crabs, dug in under the sand, underwater. Now imagine doing it in the dark with a flashlight and a net. It was probably the most fun I've ever had at the beach.

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Here is Fadrowski building part of sand castle tower on the beach. It was just after sunset.

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Sammi and Me on the beach.

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After surf-fishing, we caught some crabs for the next day's dinner.

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Back home again. After all the heat and humidity in Corpus Christi, I was thankful for a little rain.


Back from the Beach

We got home this afternoon from our few days in Corpus Christi, we had a fabulous time.
William had to work during the day, but we had tons of fun in the evening to make up for it.
We ate at a couple of great Mexican restaurants and got to spend time with friends. One of the coolest and strangest things we did was go crabbing. I think William will have more fun trying to elaborate on that one and hopefully he will get some of the pictures up too. All in all it was a great trip, my only complaint would be the temperature of our hotel room...

My husband is hot blooded...not just in the va va va voom sense, but in the sense that he's always warm. He insisted upon keeping our hotel room FREEZING! He loves being cold and since he didn't have to pay for it, he set the A/C as low as it would go and ran it...ALL night! Little icicles would form on the tip of his nose and he'd be as happy as a clam.
I on the other hand, am always cold. It can be 100 degrees outside and I'll still be wearing a sweater. If my nose and feet get cold, it takes me forever to warm up...those of you who've been camping with me can vouch for that! I was freezing the whole time, even with the two extra blankets he got me. At least he was gentleman enough to cuddle me to help me warm up ; )