In the beginning


Lazy Mornings

I love the lazy weekend mornings, they're such a change from our fast paced, sleep deprived, work week mornings. William always wakes up before I do, puts in a good western or other equally violent movie, he'll make breakfast and then after a while he'll crawl into bed and kiss me awake. Now, I theorize that's what he does because after he wakes me, I go to the living room and I'm met with cowboys, gun fire, and breakfast. Last weekend he made me his family's cinnamon rolls, they are delicious! It's like eating just the center of the cinnamon roll, my favorite! I am really enjoying this time, this "couple time", especially when William's had to work so much overtime lately. I am grateful for the sacrifices he makes for our future, but also for the fact that he always "makes up" for lost time.


Sammi finally gets flowers

And it only took just over two months. Actually, I sent her flowers twice when we still lived in DFW, so this is only the first time since we moved to Austin. She requested that I put pictures on the blog, just in case someone needed proof.

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