In the beginning


Okay Okay, I admit it!

Sometimes, when I'm home on weekdays, I watch Soap Operas! Cue the organ! I only "follow" two Soap Operas, and not very well I might add. When I was a kid my sister watched One Life to Live and General Hospital, so I try to watch those when I remember. I think it's so funny how the stories have changed and the cast members get swapped out. I was flipping through the channels and saw how some actors from my "stories" are now characters on other Soaps. It's kind of funny to me to see how the plots twist and turn and how everyone jumps into bed with everyone else. I think as an actor it must be fun to be on a Soap, I mean you can be ANYHING you want. A rock star, millionaire (I think ALL of them are, yet don't seem to have real jobs), a doctor, a gangster, a witch, an evil twin! If you want to branch off and try something else and that doesn't pan out, your character can come back from the dead! Sometimes, they will just keep your character going and you get the voice over that lets you know that, "the role of Eduardo DeMarkus is now being played by Some Guy." I get confused sometimes and have to go to the websites to catch-up before I can watch. I also only watch an episode like once or twice a week, so there is a lot that can happen, especially when Friday is the Cliff-hanger day, it's a lot of effort to keep up with Soaps. Maybe I should switch to talk shows?

Seriously, I know I could be dedicating my time to much more important and meaningful things, but it is a nice escape from reality and it is a good laugh. I love when William tries to watch with me and he has to ask, "Who's that?" and I have to go into the 30 minute explanation about how the characters are related "That's so and so...they were lovers... they are cousins...they are half-brothers born to the three-eyed-toad woman from North Dakota who was pure evil and locked them in a basement for years until they were rescued by the deaf mute who lives off the souls of goldfish."

Hmm, maybe I should WRITE soap operas, I mean my plots are much more realistic...