In the beginning



I'm not feeling so hot. Yesterday I had a splitting headache all day. I came home from school and was greeted by my sweet husband, who had cleaned house and made me a cup of jasmine tea. We went to Bible study, which was good, but my headache came back as study was ending. I got in the car and started to feel nauseous. We got home and I threw up not once- not twice- but thrice. It was no fun, my head hurt all night and it still hurts now. I think this is reaction to my new meds, they always have that effect on me the first round. Hopefully, I will be a shinny happy person in a few days.
Oh, and while I am being whiney, I think I am going to stop reading the blogs of people I don't know personally. I start following links or the random blog thing when I'm bored and I read these blogs and instantly think, "Wow, this person's nuts!" or "Aye, what a b*tch!" I'm sure those who stumble across our blog could feel the same way (even if they knew us!), so instead of passing judgment I think I will turn off my blog cruiser. It's really not fair to make assumptions, especially when you don't know the people personally.
