In the beginning


Hey, I post here too!

I've been silent since we've returned from the honeymoon. There hasn't been any reason at all, other than I've been busy at work, which is where I usually blog from (on my lunch break, of course).

So far, so good. I really love married life. I get to wake up next to my beautiful wife every morning. Sure, there are some things that we've had to get used to (like Sammi snoring! Or was that me?), but all in all we're just dandy. In fact, I've never been happier. My only complaint would be that there is nothing to complain about.

However, there is something lurking in midst of marriage. Our premarital counselor, Bill, always referred to it as the "You Lied!" moment. He is referring to the end of date-behavior, which is inevitable. Now, I'm not living in fear of this moment, I'm just waiting to see how it goes down. I imagine Sammi looking through my CD collection, realizing that I have horrible taste in music, and as such, am not as hip as previous thought (truth be told, I've never been hip in any sense). Oh, the suspense!

What's news...

There's not been much going on here, William and I have enjoyed our second week here, but we're looking forward to coming to Dallas this weekend to visit our friends, family, and to finally meet Miss Kayleigh!
We did attend a church this weekend that we liked, hopefully we will be able to plug in there. They had canceled the service we were planning on attending due to "Summer Fun Days" so we got to catch the tail end of a the baby room. SO many cute little babies to make William and I both baby crazy. Now, we're certainly not planning anything anytime soon, (not for at least a couple of years, sorry Mom's!) but they were just precious. I know we are going to fall all over Kayleigh too! I warn you now Justin and Michelle, we're going to spoil her!
Oh, something entertaining for ya' get to laugh at me:
Last night at about 11:30 I got out of bed because I couldn't sleep. I came into the study and began typing on a project. At about 11:45 I saw William sign into Windows Messenger.  We have a computer in the study and William had his laptop in the dining room because he had been saving his CD's.  Sometimes we are goofy and send IM's to each other because the AC is so loud, and we are too lazy to get up and go into the other room to talk to each other. Or sometimes I'll just send him a rambling in another language from ; ) Anyhow, when I saw him signed in, I called out to him and heard him say, my name. So I get up and go to the dining table and he wasn't there. It totally freaked me out. I ran into the bedroom and there was William, sound asleep. I woke him up and jumped into bed with him all scared. He was a little disoriented, like most people are when they are abruptly woken by their wives in the middle of the night. I was trying to explain to him what happened, and he was trying to sleep. I was really quite scared. After a little while of me lying there clenched to him, he got up and went into the dining room to try and figure out what happened. When I went to the study he was signed out of Messenger. He looked at his laptop and noticed he was still connected to his work VPN,  he had also been signed into Messenger earlier that evening. His VPN will time him out if he is idle on the program for too long, but later Messenger will try to re-establish the connection. Which means he will constantly sign in and out of Messenger, which is exactly what happened, last night. William was kind enough not to laugh at me, even though I'm sure he was thinking, "My wife is a total ween!" Though funny and embarrassing now, it was pretty scary last night! I know, I am such a dork I'm just glad William was there to "protect" me.