Comfort Food
I have been craving lot's of my "comfort"foods this week. I have wanted Vietnamese foods like Pho, Bun and the shrimp spring rolls. Then I have wanted macaroni and cheese and meatloaf. I think it's a combination of being homesick and not having much to do these last couple of weeks with school ending. It's a good thing my math class starts next week or all of my efforts to work out may be wasted ; ) What are some of your comfort foods?
You sure you're not pg?
Anonymous, at 12:33 PM
Not that I'm aware of...It would be great if I was! Then I would have an excuse for my moodiness and weight gain! ;)
Give us another year or so and we'll see if we can't start trying to make you a neice or nephew.
Sammi and William, at 2:55 PM
Beef Stoganoff, just like Turtle used to make. Served over rice, with salt and pepper.
I assure you, my wife is rated G, and is acceptable for General Audiences.
Anonymous, at 4:29 PM
Pizza is always comfort food. Wine is always comfort drink. Is it gauche to have a good Bordeaux with PapaJohn's?
Brent, at 7:33 AM
Yes, fair brother, I know your wife is rated 'g'. She's the only one in this family who is!! :)
and yes, beef stroganoff is a fave comfort food of mine too. Also homemade mac and cheese and pickles, preferably together, haha.
Anonymous, at 9:01 AM
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