It's almost over!
I have about a month of school remaining for the semester! Contrary to what I thought, this was not my "easiest" semester. Getting into the groove of doing homework and showing up for class kinda kicked my butt! Now that I am getting the hang of it, it's ending! My temp position is also ending in a few weeks. To be honest, I'm a little relieved. It's not that I didn't enjoy the assignment, but it will be nice to go back to just focusing on one thing. Oh and yay for Sammi for FINALLY getting an "A" on a friggin' speech! I always get A's on my delivery, but then she takes off points on the outlines and so it averages to like 88's or 89's. That is so frustrating!I made a 90 overall this's barely an A, but still counts! I also made an 82 on a math test that I thought was going to eat my sandwich. I turned in my last two required papers for English (fingers crossed that they are accepted and I will be eligible to write the A or B paper). Other than that things are good! We are getting ready for our move to the bigger place, so if any of ya'll want to come down and help... ha ha! ; )
I empathise with you a great deal. I do not miss college a bit and have no desire to go back (again).
And congratulations on your newlywed status; I am due to join the club in June.
ninepoundhammer, at 3:07 PM
Thanks Justin!
And Congratulations to you ninepoundhammer. June will mark our one year anniversary. Best of luck to you both!
Sammi and William, at 9:08 PM
First, I hope I am not that seminary student. I would never accept anything less than an "A". Everytime I get a "C" I kick and scream. Hey Sammi, I feel your anxiety. I am looking at the end of the ride this summer. No more school...EVER!
Nathan, at 6:41 PM
Courtney- How do we manage? ; )
Nathan- That is AWESOME! I am so excited for ya'll. After I finish this one degree, I am looking at at least two more! And by their powers combined...I still won't be a doctor!
Sammi and William, at 5:41 PM
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