What's new pussy cat?
Is anyone else totally creeped out by the meowing cat-boy thing on the previews for the movie the Grudge? I just don't like him...I think it's because William has been working late and I have been home alone some. The preview will usually come on as I'm falling asleep on the couch and give me a little scare. I realize the whole point of the preview is to intrigue me by giving me that little fright, but f'n meow man, that thing makes me cringe!
William tries to make me feel better by saying I need to think of the cat-boy as something cute, cuddly and somewhat humorous. I guess the idea behind the cat-boy is a bit funny...especially if you imagine him dancing around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree or coughing up a hair ball,(but not in the scary way from the movie the Ring). Now that movie had me scared into sleeping with the lights on in my apartment for several days! I know I am a ween! All that being said, I want to go see the Grudge. It's nice to turn on the rational part of my brain and enjoy a good scare every once in a while!
By the way, bonus points to whoever knows what the "F'n meow" is from...it's been censored.
William tries to make me feel better by saying I need to think of the cat-boy as something cute, cuddly and somewhat humorous. I guess the idea behind the cat-boy is a bit funny...especially if you imagine him dancing around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree or coughing up a hair ball,(but not in the scary way from the movie the Ring). Now that movie had me scared into sleeping with the lights on in my apartment for several days! I know I am a ween! All that being said, I want to go see the Grudge. It's nice to turn on the rational part of my brain and enjoy a good scare every once in a while!
By the way, bonus points to whoever knows what the "F'n meow" is from...it's been censored.
That's a very good guess, anyone who's seen Super Troopers would probably guess that.
It's actually an old George Carlin bit. He talks about how cats probably do something stupid (like over shoot the distance in jumping from object to object and fall on the floor) and then they go behind the couch and say, "Aww man! I am so stupid! Did anyone see that? F'n meow!"
It's a lot funnier when he does it!
Sammi and William, at 12:12 PM
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