Some dead-beat, low-rent scorpion decided to move into our place tonight. Sammi beat him down like he owed her money. I, however,was unable to dispatch him to our Lord because his strong, unwaivering stinger stood between me and my shoes. Sammi bravely stepped up to the plate and squashed him, hardcore. She even cleaned him up. Of course, I too would have stomped him six ways from Sunday, if I'd only had my shoes.
So long, insect bum.
So long, insect bum.
I have a strict insect policy: if something enters my home and I view it as a threat (i.e. it stings, bites or I am allergic to it) it dies!
If it's harmless, it goes back outside.
The scorpion had it coming, he crossed the line!
Sammi and William, at 9:33 PM
So I'm guessing that William should officially being minding his "p's" and "q's." They know they have the mental/emotional power over us, but once women realize their latent "Lara Croft Tomb Raider" capabilities...well...just get a bow staff and start learning. It's your only hope.
Brent, at 7:17 AM
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