Busy Busy!
It's been a while since I've been able to post as things have been very hectic. There's no Internet at our place, plus I have been studying so much for my Anatomy and Physiology class that I haven't really been able to take advantage of the Internet access at school. Other than being pretty busy things here are good! We have started to look at houses and all of the financial planning that goes along with that. It's exciting, but also frustrating. Houses in Austin seem really expensive to me - especially when we are only working off of one "real" income. I know God has the perfect home picked out for us and our family, it's just in His timing, which may be later than ours...Prayers for patience and wisdom in this process will be greatly appreciated!
We hope you are all doing well!
We hope you are all doing well!
So that's why you want me to buy your house. Wow...and I thought you liked me.
Nathan, at 2:24 PM
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